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Brownsville Usa Gps Coordinates

Latitude and Longitude of Brownsville, Texas


Brownsville, Texas, a city located in the southernmost part of the United States, has specific latitude and longitude coordinates that define its geographical location.


The latitude of Brownsville, TX, USA, is 25.901747, and the longitude is -97.497482. This means that the city is situated 25 degrees, 54 minutes, and 6.29 seconds north of the equator and 97 degrees, 29 minutes, and 50.93 seconds west of the Prime Meridian.

Location and Classification

Brownsville is part of the United States, specifically within the state of Texas. It falls under the classification of "Cities" and is located in Cameron County.

GPS Coordinates

For GPS navigation, the coordinates of Brownsville, Texas, are as follows:

  • Latitude: 25° 54' 6.29" N
  • Longitude: 97° 29' 50.93" W
